®EPOCA CAFFÈ is a registered trademark of EPOCA 1932 LLC.
Epoca 1932 LLC
Route de Meinier 7
1253 Vandoeuvres, Geneva – Switzerland
The address of our website is: https://y055sausxy.preview.infomaniak.website
If you leave a comment on our website (required or voluntary), the data entered in the comment form are collected, as are also your IP address and the user name of your web browser, in order to help us in the detection of inappropriate or undesired comments if necessary.
An anonymized string of characters assembled from your e-mail address (also called ‘hash’) can be safely forwarded to the Gravatar service in order to determine whether your electronic system is using it. The Gravatar services’ clauses of confidentiality are available here: https://automattic.com/privacy/. Upon validation of your comment your profile picture (if present) will appear for public visibility next to your comment.
If you are a registered user and if you can download pictures onto websites, we recommend that you avoid downloading pictures with EXIF data and the corresponding GPS coordinates. This advice considers that website visitors can download and extract localization data from such pictures.
The contact details normally required on our contact forms include the following data: Name, First name, e-mail address, Telephone, Address (in case of ordering in the ONLINE BOUTIQUE) as well as the country, (if applicable) the company name, your purchase order forms and your messages. Your user name and your password are also saved when you install your account.
Although the data controllers of this website have access to them, these data are only used for logistic purposes to assure the deliveries and/or reservations within the scope of our company. These data are kept confidential indefinitely. You have the possibility to ask the controllers of this website to provide an extract containing all of your data.
Where it is proposed to you on the website you can tick a check box to subscribe to our newsletter. Your contact details are also used to keep you updated about our novelties, promotions, offers and suggestions. After your subscription you receive an automated confirmation e-mail with the indication « double opt-in » containing a clickable link to definitively accept your subscription. You may unsubscribe easily at any time by clicking on an ‘unsubscribe’ link in our newsletter. The frequency of our mailings will generally not exceed one (1) newsletter (e-mail) per month.
We gladly repeat that all your information is treated confidentially and cannot be transmitted by us to others unless you directly mandate us to do so.
Whenever you deposit a comment on our website, it is proposed to you to register in the cookies your name, your e-mail address and your website. This is solely for your comfort – to avoid having to enter this information again when you want to record another comment later. These cookies expire after one year.
If you have an account and connect with this website, a temporary cookie is generated in order to clarify whether your web browser accepts the cookies. It does not contain any personal data and is automatically deleted when your browser is shutting down.
When you are connecting yourself, our system is installing a number of cookies to register your connection information and screen display preferences. The lifetime of a connection cookie amounts to two days, that of a display options cookie one year. If you tick the box « Stay logged in » your connection cookie will remain in the memory for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the connection cookie is deleted.
During the modification or publication of an article, an additional cookie is registered in your web browser. This cookie does not contain any personal data. It solely indicates the identification code of the article edited or submitted by you. It expires at the end of the day.
The articles of this website can include embedded contents (for example videos, pictures, reports …). Embedded content from another web site is behaving exactly in the same way as if the web visitor would be connected directly to this other website.
These other websites could collect data about you, could use cookies, could contain monitoring tools of third parties or could monitor your activities associated with the embedded contents if you own an account that is connected with such websites.
We use Google Analytics for the confidential web analysis of our web site. We invite you to read the privacy policy of Google Analytics by clicking here.
Hereafter we are presenting our partners who could legitimately save your data collected when you order or contact us on our website. We are specifying their scope of use in a confidential manner.
We invite you to read the rules of confidentiality established by these partners by visiting their link as mentioned in brackets:
PostFinance: Secured payment platform using your payment and/or delivery information (https://www.postfinance.ch/en/detail/legal-information-and-accessibility.html).
Mailchimp: WordPress extension for the mailing of newsletters to subscribers who have registered themselves in the « Double Opt-In » confirmation system (https://mailchimp.com/legal/privacy/).
When you leave a comment, the comment itself and its meta data are saved indefinitely. This allows the system to recognize and authorize subsequent or future comments automatically instead of keeping them in a waiting loop (queue).
For users who can register themselves on our website, we also save the personal data as provided in their profile. All users can access their personal data at any time and can alter or delete them (except for the name that they have registered). The data controllers of the website could also access or modify this information.
If you have an account or if you have left comments on our website, you can request an extract of all personal data in our possession concerning you, including those that you have made available to us. You can also request the deletion of your personal data. This does not refer to the recorded data concerning administrative, legal or safety and security related matters.
The comments from website visitors can be monitored with the help of an automated data collection service specialized in controlling unwanted information.
Epoca Caffè 1932 LLC
Route de Meinier 7
1253 Vandoeuvres, Geneva – Switzerland
E-mail: info[@]epoca-caffe.com
Tel: +41.22.735.05.38
The personal data to be recorded are stored on secured platforms which have installed their own security systems as you can gather from the rules of confidentiality of our partners (as mentioned above) : WordPress, payment portal of PostFinance Switzerland, Mailchimp.
Every data controller of this website having access to sensitive data is subject to the official professional secrecy. Failure in the duty of official professional secrecy is sanctioned by a deterrent penalty.
In the exceptional event of a data loss an official complaint is launched to the competent authority and an investigation procedure is initiated to find and hold the culprit/s accountable for their acts.
Our website does not contain data for the benefit of services from third parties.
As mentioned above the newsletter software Mailchimp is used, exclusively for marketing purposes, after confirmation of the repeated consent of the subscribers. Every subscriber can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time, by clicking the respective link in the newsletter, or by direct contact with us via the connections described in the provisions of the present privacy policy.